How NBH got Started

I founded New Being Hypnosis in early 2022 in Seattle, Washington after my Walk-In experience. I enrolled in the Hypnosis Motivation Institute after learning about where I come from as a Walk-In and my purpose in this lifetime in a hypnosis session.

I decided to call my practice “New Being” because I had felt like a new being after that session, a newly awakened soul. My awakening and healings after that had been so profound that I wanted to help awaken others who are ready for deeper self-realization.


Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator Certificate, American Hypnosis Association, 2022

Tinnitus Hypnosis Certification, American Hypnosis Association, 2022

Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 2022

DOH Hypnotherapist Registration, Chapter 18.19 RCW, CN HP 61306573, 2022

Usui Reiki Level 1 Certification, Claire Candy Hough, Angel Healing House, 2022

Usui Reiki Level 2 Certification, Claire Candy Hough, Angel Healing House, 2023

My Bio

My origins as a Healer were in a dark state- seasonal affective disorder, depression, constant headaches, past and present life traumas, an empty ‘void’ feeling and loss of sense of self. This was my perfect storm immediately following my Walk-In soul exchange event. My training and my journey has taught me how to heal all of what I once suffered from and live a meaningful life as my Authentic Self.

As an Energy Healer, I bring a profound expertise in guiding individuals through an intricate journey from deep-seated trauma, transitioning towards a more luminous state of existence. With a keen understanding of the mechanics of the human psyche and an unwavering commitment to helping you to achieve your wellness goals via profound transformation of your inner landscape. Grounded in the belief that each individual possesses the innate capacity for healing and self-discovery, I am dedicated to empowering clients to unravel their blockages; unveiling the luminous potential that lies within. Through a holistic and integrative process with hypnotherapy and reiki, I aspire to instill a sense of renewal, resilience, and inner peace within those who seek solace and transformation.

Why Use Hypnotherapy?

  • This is a big word that gets tossed around a lot these days. Some people may even use it too lightly to describe what has happened to them.

    What I refer to when I used the word ‘trauma’ in my work is the deep, dark and intense wounds. Some of it is taboo to the mainstream and nothing but sensitive, personal, private memories.

    Trauma is a defense mechanism the the subconscious employs in response to stimuli that is similar to that which caused damage. When you boil it down, it is a program of sorts, a complex program that is often tricky to navigate.

    Hypnotherapy may be one of the best therapies for trauma, besides psychotherapy and psychology counseling. By entering into the subconscious mind, we bypass the conscious that feels pain, and we can easily work to address the issue, learn what it needs, give it what it needs and then apply in hypnosis and real life the needed treatments to create true inner balance.

    In my experience each trauma case is very different, each person is unique, and each trauma can manifest and behave differently. So there can be many factors in treating trauma.

    Although the number of sessions needed for each case is not guaranteed, I have found that hypnotherapy is astoundingly effective. It treats the trauma from its root, with the depths of the subconscious and psyche.

  • Tinnitus is a condition in which some people hear continuous or frequent ringing, chirping, clicking, whooshing, pulsing or other subjective noises in their ears. The name can be pronounced as either “TIN-IT-US or TI-NIGHT-US” and both are considered proper in medical language. This is a condition that around 45 million Americans suffer from. It can be caused and/or aggravated by noise damage, foreign objects, physiological defects or lack of blood flow, psychological issues such as emotional patterns, foods and chemicals you may be sensitive to and aging.

    So how does Hypnosis Help Tinnitus?

    Dr. Pawel Jastreboff, a graduate of the Yale School of Medicine and expert on Tinnitus, found that it functions just like phantom limb pain, a pain signal from the nervous system that something is damaged or missing. Tinnitus often functions closely with the emotions and the subconscious. it often sounds louder to those who have it in times of emotional overwhelm or even excitement. By entering into hypnosis, we can work with the subconscious and relieve the emotions and suffering associated with the noise. Usually, by healing the emotional suffering the noise volume naturally goes down. Another major component of Tinnitus Hypnosis Treatment is ‘disarming’ the alarm, the pain signal and teaching the subconscious part of the brain to perceive the sounds quieter, and not regard them as a threat.

    The Tinnitus Hypnosis Treatment that I offer is based off of the clinical model that I was taught but is also integrative. It includes the hypnosis sessions and work, and I suggest you buy a variety of readily available relatively low cost items to assist with the retraining of your brain and subconscious. These may include a white noise maker, essential oils, ear plugs, After several sessions of hypnotherapy treatment most people with tinnitus will notice a reduction in the volume and be much more content with their condition compared to when they started. By the end of a six week course, you will likely feel like a whole new person. Everyone’s treatment will be different, tailored to them and some may need to continue longer than the basic six weeks for further progress. Whether you recover quickly within the six week course or need more treatment, I will teach and equip you with the skills, knowledge and tools to manage your tinnitus as needed.

  • Fear. Something that every language must have a word for. That every human and animal alive must experience in their lifetime. Every one of us is afraid of something. This is a primal instinct that is hardwired into the fabric of the mind and consciousness itself. Your Subconscious is hardwired with its own reaction of fight or flight to things and situations you are afraid of.

    Fear, as it was explained to me in my hypnotherapy education from HMI, must be based on memories or experiences we have gained in this life. It is a program that must have an origin that we can trace or explain. Some of our fears that we were not taught to be afraid of, arachnophobia or example, may be passed down to us through our ancestors.

    How can Hypnotherapy help your fears?

    As fear is always associated with emotion, not associated with logic, the process of reversing fears involves work the the emotion you feel with the particular fear you wish to work address. In hypnosis, you bypass the conscious mind that perceives pain and you enter the realm of the subconscious where your fears and emotions live. By bringing up or finding the program and emotion of your fear, I will guide you to reverse the fear that has been limiting you.

    Why would you reverse you fears?

    Fear is normal and natural for everyone. Some people are riddled with more fears than others, and some are limited by one or two intense fears. When someone is limited by an intense fear, it holds them back from doing and achieving a certain tasks, such as swimming (aquaphobia), driving (vehophobia), flying on airplanes (acrophobia, *this can be a combination of five fears), fear of darkness (achluophobia), fear of heights (acrophobia), fear of public spaces or crowds (agoraphobia) and fear of public speaking (glossophobia) to name a few. There are literally hundreds of common and uncommon fears people can have. All are valid and all ar also programs within the subconscious. So by entering the subconscious realm we can access this programs, disarm them and replace them with a program that is more comforting or empowering. Millions of Americans are limited by severe fear conditions that prevent them from living their life. By learning to reverse and break through your fear you can become a much more empowered version of yourself who is free to live how you want.

    Everyone has different levels of fear, therefore each individual’s journey to freedom will be different. This work may take you multiple sessions of hypnotherapy and even longer to practice reprogramming your fear through direct experience. You can break free and transcend your fear if you are determined.

  • Past Life Regression is a practice in which a Hypnotist or hypnotherapist induces a client into a trance state and guides them to revisit a previous lifetime. This allows someone to remember details such as who they were, their name, birthdate, place of birth, where they lived, what they did for a living, their skills, abilities, and hobbies, if and who they married or loved, how many children they may have had and how they died.

    Accessing both specific and general memories of previous incarnations is most commonly done in the case of a mysterious ailment, unexplainable phobia, or if fragments of memories of a past incarnation, other land or planet are presenting themselves. These issues often are due to what are called ‘bleed-throughs’ from other incarnations a person has lived. Although I imagine it may be possible to regress and recover memories from any lifetime you have lived, the most profound and important memories and lives are usually the ones that present themselves to us.

    This can be a therapeutic application when a person is suffering from a mystery pain or illness, a phobia that limits a part of their life, they have serious issues in one or more of their relationships with family, friends or associates. In scenarios such as these, if the origin and cause does indeed stem from a previous incarnation, then the presenting issue can be cleared or remedied via past life regression and applying further therapy as necessary to the memory.

  • In my soul contract review and rewriting therapy I will guide you to enter their chamber of contracts indie of their hall of records. Inside of the chamber of contracts you will meet a guide who is wise and benevolent and will assist you in the process.

    What are soul contracts and how can they be rewritten?

    As soul contracts are written and signed by your soul, either before or after birth. They reside within your hall of records in a dimensional space that some call “the other side of the veil.”Whatever call it, they are in an energy dimension that is not physical like the world we live in. Your contracts can be accessed in hypnotic states. Some contracts can be destroyed and rewritten and some cannot. The ones that can be destroyed and rewritten are the ones that no longer serve you or that you have fulfilled. The contracts that cannot be rewritten are the ones that you still have a need, duty, destiny, responsibility or obligation to fulfill. I request the assistance of the archangels to help with the process of rewriting.

    What can you learn from soul contracts?

    You can learn anything from any particular soul contract that in within its scope and the subject that it pertains to. Typically what we review soul contracts for are things like relationship issues, personal blockages, attachments to a person or situation, your mission in this life, your purpose and how to move forward to work on that. Soul contracts can also be used to learn about previous incarnations and karma or layovers that are effecting you in this life. I this way soul contract review and rewriting meshes well with past life regression therapy.

The Ailments

The Therapies